Graag sluiten we het jaar feestelijk met jou af. Dat doen we met een knáller van een event; Het Young Swinkels Christmas Gala! 🧑‍🎄🎄🕺🪩

Haal je mooiste gala/cocktail outfit uit de kast, want dit belooft een spectaculaire avond te worden! Een spetterende avond vol verrassingsacts...

Waar: Podium Azijnfabriek, Triniteitstraat 19 – Den Bosch
Hoelaat: 20:00 – 01:00h
Hoeveel: €20,- (all-in)
Wanneer: Vrijdag 8 december

Young Swinkels' goal is to actively connect Young Swinkels Professionals (up to the age of 36) within our entire organization. Activities are organized with the aim to help you in your carreer by developing related events. Events, also organized by Young Professionals, divided into three pillars.

Our three pillars

The Board

The Young Swinkels board consists of six people who hold positions in different departments within the organization.

We would like to introduce the current six-member board to you.: Loes Peeters (accountmanager), Robin Vredenborg (Safety, Health and Environment), Jens van de Wal (accountmanager), Pleuni Winter (Finance), Claire van Leeuwen (Marketing) en Paul van Brussel (E-commerce).

The agenda for 2023 consists of seven activities. Two social events, two professional events and three well-being events. 

Next to the events we also seek for new small events which will help you develop yourself. You can read about it on Hops.

  Q1 '23 Q2 '23 Q3 '23 Q4 '23  
Social Moule Boules   Summer vibes  Christmas event  
Professional   Brewery visit x Sustainability  Meet Young Perfetti    
Well being   Padel competition Charity event  


THE NEXT EVENT: Thursday 16th of November

Young Perfetti meets Young Swinkels 







